Mission of the Research Center

The objective is to position ESCP as the leading hub in the world for luxury research (and to further gain relevance and impact in terms of teaching and executive education). We aim to study luxury in a comprehensive and multifaceted way, covering three core topics:

  • Responsible Luxury
    The luxury industry is facing strong social, environmental, and ethical challenges. Given the heightened expectations of luxury consumers, who demand exemplary conduct, this sector is under even greater scrutiny. Within this research field, the GRAIL endeavors to define how luxury companies and consumers are navigating together towards a more conscious business paradigm.
  • Luxury Territories
    The concept of "luxury" has undergone significant evolution, with boundaries becoming increasingly ambiguous. This expansion encompasses a spectrum ranging from masstige brands to exclusive offerings tailored for ultra-high net worth individuals. Notably, certain luxury brands have embraced complexity and diversification, transforming into what Ben Voyer termed "brands of everything." Within this dynamic landscape, the GRAIL redefines the components and dimensions of contemporary luxury.
  • Luxury Artistic Ecosystem
    Histories of Art and Luxury have long been intertwined. Today, the luxury sector heavily supports and collaborates with artists. In this research, the GRAIL examines, for example, how brands can establish longevity through a focus on cultural value and brand heritage. The center also studies how new technologies are changing creative processes in art and luxury.


GRAIL Kick off

Prof. David Dubois

Prof. Yuri SEO
University of Auckland

11 octobre 2024


Global Fashion Management Conference

Ben Voyer

Ben Voyer
Luxury track co-chaired

Perrine Desmichel , ESCP Business School

Perrine Desmichel
Luxury track co-chaired

July 11 2024


International Marketing Trend conference
Elyette Roux Award and Luxury Research Track

19-20 January 2024


Global Marketing Conference (Seoul)

Ben Voyer

Ben Voyer
Luxury track co-chaired

Minas Kastanakis , ESCP Business School

Minas Kastanakis
Luxury track co-chaired

July 22-23 2023


Global Fashion Management Conference

Ben Voyer

Ben Voyer
Conference chair
ESCP Business School



Permanent Faculty:


  • Clara Lecerf PhD (Paris)
  • Zixu Wang PhD
  • Marina Thiébault PhD (Paris)

Affiliated/visiting Faculty :

  • Yuri Seo (Auckland University)
  • Responsible Luxury

    Ongoing projects in the realm of "responsible luxury" lie at the intersection of sustainability, ethics, and new business models within the luxury industry. One key area of investigation examines the role of marketing in comprehending and steering consumers towards sustainable offerings in luxury. Researchers aim to elucidate the effectiveness of marketing strategies in raising awareness about sustainable practices and guiding consumer choices, particularly within the context of luxury brands. Furthermore, there is a dedicated examination of the ethics surrounding ultra-high net worth social media influencers, exploring their practices and the implications for brand building in an online environment. This research seeks to uncover the ethical considerations and responsibilities of influencers with significant reach and influence, particularly in promoting luxury products and lifestyles. Additionally, scholars are delving into the phenomenon of "sleeping beauties," investigating the limited consumer usage of inherited luxury products. Through this inquiry, researchers aim to understand the factors influencing consumer behavior regarding inherited luxury items, including attitudes towards preservation, usage, and perceptions of value. Ongoing research in responsible luxury contributes to shaping the ethical frameworks and practices within the luxury industry, fostering greater accountability and sustainability.

  • Luxury Territories

    Ongoing research projects on "luxury territories" encompass a breadth of intriguing topics. One area of focus is the charismatic authority of luxury brands, where researchers seek to define this phenomenon and unravel its implications on consumer behavior and brand loyalty. Scholars also examine the role of a brand's aura or charisma in shaping consumers' perceived prestige, shedding light on how these intangible qualities influence purchasing decisions and brand affinity. Additionally, there is a concerted effort to understand the dichotomy between elitist and democratic notions of luxury, exploring how different sample populations define luxury and its implications for market segmentation and brand positioning strategies. Furthermore, researchers investigate the nuanced effects of luxury consumption on individual well-being, exploring whether it influences hedonic and eudaimonic aspects of life satisfaction differently, thus offering insights into the complex interplay between materialism and happiness. Lastly, the role of self-congruity in inconspicuous consumption is under scrutiny, aiming to uncover how consumers' self-perceptions align with their preferences for discreet luxury, thereby unraveling the psychological underpinnings of luxury consumption behavior. Through these multidisciplinary inquiries, researchers endeavor to enrich our understanding of luxury territories and inform strategies for brands to navigate this intricate landscape effectively.
  • Luxury Artistic Ecosystem

    Ongoing research projects at the intersection of art and luxury are exploring dynamic connections between traditional craftsmanship, innovative technologies, and cultural collaboration. One significant area of inquiry focuses on indigenous craftsmanship and its integration into luxury practices, seeking to deepen our understanding of the role of indigenous knowledge and techniques in crafting unique artisanal products. This research not only celebrates cultural heritage but also examines how indigenous craftsmanship can add value and authenticity to luxury brands while fostering sustainable practices and supporting local communities. Additionally, scholars are investigating the opportunities presented by augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) technologies for businesses operating in the art and luxury sectors. By collaborating with cultural institutions, SMEs, and multinationals, researchers aim to explore the transformative potential of AR/VR in enhancing customer experiences, expanding market reach, and fostering innovative storytelling within the realm of luxury. Through these interdisciplinary inquiries, ongoing research endeavors seek to bridge the realms of art and luxury, enriching both industries while pushing the boundaries of creativity, technology, and cultural exchange.
Responsible Luxury
Leban, M., Errmann, A., Seo, Y., & Voyer, B.G.


Mindful practices in luxury travel: A case of the Faroe Islands.

Tourism Management

Nobre, H., Kumar, A., Kastanakis, M. N., & Paul, J.


Consumers' relationship with mass prestige brands and happiness.

European Management Review, 20(2), 306-325

Gupta, S., Raj, S., Singh, D. P., Singh, A., & Kastanakis, M.


Normative influence and masstige purchase intention: Facilitators, inhibitors, and the moderating effect of celebrity endorsement

International Journal of Consumer Studies, 47(3), 1189-1209.

Park, J., Kim, J., Lee, D. C., Kim, S. S., Voyer, B. G., Kim, C., Sung, B., Gonzalez-Jimenez, H., Fastoso, F., Choi, Y. K., & Yoon, S.


The impact of COVID-19 on consumer evaluation of authentic advertising messages.

Psychology & Marketing.

Leban, M., Seo, Y., & Voyer, B. G.


Transformational effects of social media lurking practices on luxury consumption

Journal of Business Research, 116, 514-521.

Leban, M., Thomsen, T. U., von Wallpach, S., & Voyer, B. G.


Constructing personas: How high-net-worth social media influencers reconcile ethicality and living a luxury lifestyle.

Journal of Business Ethics, 1-15.

Luxury Territories
Desmichel, P., & Rucker, D. D.


Dominance versus prestige hierarchies: How social hierarchy base shapes conspicuous consumption.

Journal of Consumer Research, 50(5), 887-906

Desmichel, P., & Rucker, D. D.


Social-rank cues: Decoding rank from physical characteristics, behaviors, and possessions.

Current Opinion in Psychology, 43, 79-84.

Sajtos, L., Cao, J. T., Espinosa, J. A., Phau, I., Rossi, P., Sung, B., & Voyer, B.


Brand love: Corroborating evidence across four continents.

Journal of Business Research, 126, 591-604.

Singh, D. P., Kastanakis, M. N., Paul, J., & Felix, R.


Non‐deceptive counterfeit purchase behavior of luxury fashion products.

Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 20(5), 1078-1091.

Voyer, B. G., & Ko, E.


In search of the next nexus: A maturing field for fashion research in the digital age.

Journal of Business Research, 134, 375-377.

Desmichel, P., Ordabayeva, N., & Kocher, B.


What if diamonds did not last forever? Signaling status achievement through ephemeral versus iconic luxury goods

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 158, 49-65.

Desmichel, P., & Kocher, B


Luxury single-versus multi-brand stores: The effect of consumers' hedonic goals on brand comparisons.

Journal of Retailing, 96(2), 203-219.

Luxury Artistic Ecosystem
Preece, C., Kerrigan, F., & O'Reilly, D.


Framing the work: The composition of value in the visual arts.

European Journal of Marketing, 50(7/8), 1377-1398.

Impact Papers
Desmichel, Voyer, Maggioni


Recapturing Time: What Luxury Should be About

ESCP Impact paper

Voyer, Nicolay, Desmichel


The Forthcoming Dilemma For Luxury Companies In Europe

ESCP Impact paper

Press(recent contributions)
Desmichel, P.

“Should Luxury brands be interested in the streaming phenomenon?”

Luxury Tribune, Sept. 14.

Voyer, BG.

The New York Times

Voyer, BG.


On brand extensions for luxury brands

The Financial Times

Voyer, BG.


Interview on Quiet vs Luxury brands and consumers


Voyer, BG.

Interview on luxury watches and buying behaviours (art collaborations)

The New York Times

Voyer, BG.

Interview on luxury watches and buying behaviours (pricing)

The New York Times

Voyer, BG.

The Rise of Lxuury Brands of Everything


Voyer, BG.

Worth The Hype: Brands Fight To Remain Cool


Vidéos & Podcasts
Cyrille Vigneron, President and CEO, Cartier

We All Make Mistakes

ESCP, The Choice